The official languages of the conference are Italian and English.
Call for papers addressed to scholars is open from 15th November 2020 to 20th February 2021 10th march 2021, with the presentation of a paper written both in Italian and in English. The acceptance of the papers, which will be subjected to a double blind review, will be announced on 25th March 2021
Contributions must consist of a maximum of 3000 words (excluding notes and bibliography) + 10 images, and must be sent in the format provided by the template in two languages (Italian and English).
The sending e-mail must have attached a compressed folder containing:
- a “TXT” folder containing:
• the textual file (.doc or .docx) of the paper in two languages, without the images;
• a text file containing the captions; - a “PDF” folder containing:
• a .pdf file of the complete paper in two languages with pictures and captions;
• a .pdf file of the complete paper in two languages with pictures and captions without references that can make authors recognizable;
• a .pdf resume of each author, in European format (required for training credits assignment by professional orders); - an “IMG” folder containing all images included in the paper, in .jpeg format, named according to the text numbering, larger than 1920 × 1280 px and weighing no more than 7mb each.
The folder must be named as surname_name of the author; in case of multiple authors, enter all names separated by a comma (e.g. surname_name, surname_name, surname_name).
We thank you for your cooperation.
The file must be uploaded through the “Submission” button below.
For further information please send an email to:
Registration is free for all auditors, students, researchers and professionals, and is useful for receiving the certificate of participation.
NB: Online registrations will open on April 5th and will close on April 13 th.
For any information:
November 15th, 2020 – Call for paper opening;
February, 20th 2021 March, 10th 2021 – Call for paper closing;
March 25th, 2021 – Communication of the paper acceptance and possible participation in the oral presentation;
March 25th, 2021 – Authors subscriptions opening;
April 5th, 2021 – Free online registration for auditors, students, researchers and professionals opening.
April 13rd, 2021 – Online registration for auditors, students, researchers and professionals closing;
April 14th, 2021 – Workshop Web Conference.